Center for Leadership and Development
Kings Point Enterprises, Inc. (KPE) established the Center for Leadership and Employee Development in response to a growing need for federal agencies to deliver their programs and services more effectively and efficiently. The Center’s mission, in part, is to collaborate with federal agencies in their efforts to comply with requirements for executive, managerial, supervisory, and employee training. Federal agencies are required to provide training for supervisors and managers by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010. The Act requires training for supervisors and managers (a) within one year of initial appointment; (b) refresher training at least once every three years; and (c) other supervisory and managerial training. Additionally, federal merit principles provide that employees should be afforded effective education and training when such training will result in enhanced organizational, team and individual performance. The Center for Leadership and Employee Development offers a comprehensive series of human resource management courses that specifically address the developmental needs of leaders and employees at all levels of the organization.