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Our Services
Center for Leadership and Employee Development
HRM Courses
Kings Point Enterprises (KPE) offers comprehensive Human Resource Management Courses to address the present-day developmental needs of Leaders and Employees.
Virtual Classrooms
Even with anticipated declines in the COVID Pandemic, Kings Point plans to continue to offer online education and training to address your needs -- both nationally and abroad.
Goal Targeting and Achieving
The most important step toward the future is to crystalize your goals. At KPE our services are targeted toward those organizations, teams, and individuals seeking to enhance organizational productivity through leadership development, and, increase employee empowerment.
Leadership Development
We have developed a clear and contemplative list of subjects which represent Kings Point’s most ambitious effort to prepare managers, supervisors and leaders for the administrative and technical requirements associated with human resource management and leadership.

Contact Us
Kings Point Enterprises, Inc.
113 N Back River Road – Hampton VA 236691+(757) 679-9995